C&G’s Guide to Protecting Your Home Against Winter

Tips & Advice

Whilst many of us hoped that the soft autumn weather would stretch on forever, Bayside winter has well and truly arrived on our doorstep. At C&G, we understand the importance of protecting your home against the harsh cold season, which is why today’s blog features seasonal must-do’s to prevent unnecessary damage befalling your property.

Clean Your Gutters

It’s important to regularly clean your gutters of leaf litter and debris so that they drain correctly. This will prevent blocked gutters, which can cause flooding during downpours. If your house is positioned close to trees, it is also a good idea to install gutter guards that will prevent fallen leaves from building up. Another element to examine are gutter joins, making sure that they are watertight and fixed in position correctly.

Check Your Seals

Cold drafts from poorly sealed windows and doors can result in heat loss of up to 25%. You can solve this chilly problem by installing an adhesive rubber seal that fits between the frame and the door, creating an air lock. Windows can be re-sealed with silicone and fitted with protective blinds that trap in the heat. These practical solutions keep you warmer in winter and have the added bonus of saving you money on your heating bill.

Test for Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide is created by any type of combustion - meaning it’s not limited to gas heaters - and can be released by a number of different devices such as wood-burning stoves and hot water heaters. Improper or blocked ventilation and old or damaged appliances can all contribute to the release of lethal quantities of the gas. The best way to safeguard against this is to have a company such as Smarthouse test your heaters and appliances, and to install a carbon-monoxide detector.


Insulating your roof and walls will help your house retain heat in winter, meaning that you will rely on your heating system less frequently. It’s important to make sure you install the right insulation, and worth hiring a professional to assess your home and provide you with advice. Another good way to retain heat is by laying rugs down on timber and tiled floors. This added layer will prevent cool air entering through any gaps in your flooring, keeping your feet toasty warm.