Knowing When to Upsize

Tips & Advice

Are your nooks and crannies feeling a little tighter? Are you literally living on top of each other? Does the home feel messier than usual? Are you watching Marie Kondo more often? If you answered ‘Yes’ to most of our questions, its time you considered upsizing. In the latest C&G blog, we present five indictors to know if your next move will be a much bigger one.

Growing Family

The most common reason to upgrade your home - if there’s a new family member on the way or your family is outgrowing your current living space - a bigger home will provide a more comfortable and safer environment to live in. If your family is yet to grow, upsizing will accommodate for future bubs, doggos and furry pets.

Furry Friends

With new legislation around tenants and pets’ ownership, a larger space is important to family and pet safety. In particular, dogs need extra space indoors as well as outside. A bigger home will provide all your furry friends extra space to roam around and play in.

Things Are Feeling Extra Tight

The best way to know if things are feeling extra tight, is to reflect on bathroom behaviour. Are you constantly waiting for someone to hop out of the shower? Are you fighting over hot water? Living in close proximity shouldn’t feel insufferable. Bigger homes mean bigger bathrooms and less fights over shower time.


Have you Marie Kondo-ed your home but it’s still a mess? Feeling cramped usually comes from overcrowded belongings. A larger home means more space for storage. As your family grows, more storage means you can keep all your belongings.


Everyone needs a little ‘me’ time. A bigger home offers that solution. A study room or private bedroom will provide families with extra spaces to relax, work or watch your favourite Netflix shows.

If you’ve found yourself relating to any of these signs, it might be time to upsize. At Chisholm and Gamon, we’ll offer listings that suit your lifestyle changes and accommodate for your desirable upsize. Contact our friendly team today and let’s upsize together!