C & G's Guide - Preparing Your Property for a Spring Sale

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, spring becomes an ideal time to put your property on the market. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or a first-timer, preparing your home for sale is crucial to attract potential buyers. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical tips and strategies to enhance your property’s appeal and maximise its value during the vibrant spring season. Let’s dive in!

Refresh Bedding, Cushions and Towels

Consider fresh, neutral-colored bedding to create a welcoming atmosphere in bedrooms, replace any worn-out cushions or add decorative ones to sofas and chairs and invest in some new, fluffy towels for bathrooms.

Clean Gutters and Windows

Clear out leaves and debris to ensure proper drainage and ensure windows are sparkling clean to enhance curb appeal and allow more natural light indoors.

Consider a Lick of Paint

If needed, touch up or repaint the exterior to give your home a fresh look and for internal painting, focus on neutral tones to appeal to a wider audience.


Cut back any overgrown shrubs and plants to reveal your home from the street and in photography - also make sure any shrubs near windows are trimmed back to allow more natural light inside the home.

Enhance Lighting

Consider energy-efficient LED bulbs to brighten up spaces and add lamps or fixtures to enhance the home’s warmth and ambiance.

Bathroom and Kitchen Updates

Respray or replace baths or tiling if required, and consider updating bathroom and kitchen cabinet fronts, door handles and tapware for a modern look.

Styling and Furniture

If needed, look at hiring a consultant for part styling or full furniture hire.

Indoor Plants

Adding indoor plants helps to create a fresh, inviting vibe.

And while we’re at it!

Freshen up decking with a re-sand and refinish, ensure all doors and windows operate smoothly and easily smoothly and tackle any other minor repairs you've been putting off!

And finally…

Reach out to us at C & G to obtain preliminary advice from a professional on how to maximise your sale potential this spring! We can’t wait to help you with your spring property journey. Sales Property Appraisal | Chisholm & Gamon | Chisholm & Gamon (chisholmgamon.com.au)